Email without Stress (for Artists and Creative Folks)
Everything you need to know about staying in touch with collectors and fans so that you sell more art - email marketing for artists (without stress)
Introducing your guide to Email mastery.
Don't miss out—I'll let you know just as soon as enrollment opens! Fill in your name and email and click send (you'll even get a sweet coupon):
Your fans and customers WANT to hear from you
"But I'm afraid they'll think I'm being too pushy or spammy if I send too many emails to them..."
Actually, you are being of service to your fans and customers when you stay in touch. You are making it easier for them to remember you! Sending an email once a month or even more often is not spam and it will not annoy them—after all, they signed up for it!
In fact, sending frequent emails keeps your name & your art on their minds (even if they don't open the email).
Have you been guilty of this? You mean to send out an email to your list, but you procrastinate because it's a bit of a pain. You'd rather be in the studio. But what happens when you keep putting off your marketing....?
Your computer beeps and up pops an email newsletter from your favorite artist.
Glancing at it, you see she sent lots of links, lists of upcoming shows and workshops.
Just then, life happens and you close up the email without reading it. Next time you open your computer, you've forgotten all about it.
You receive a new newsletter from her 4, 5 or maybe even 7 3/4 months later. Her recent work looks amazing. It would have been perfect for your brother's birthday last month.
...But you'd forgotten all about her just when you needed her.
Don't let your fans forget about you!
Email Marketing is not a Newscast, a Sales Pitch, or a monologue about yourself and your art. You wouldn't walk into a room and talk only about yourself, would you?
If you've ever felt as if sending out newsletters is a little pushy or tacky, chances are you've been looking at staying in touch with your fans and customers from the wrong perspective.
Email Marketing IS like having a conversation with a friend.
How can you build a relationship with your mailing list? People want to buy from those they know and trust.
Here's what you'll get with this course:
• An introduction to a kinder, gentler, less time-consuming way of using mailing lists and email to sell your art (by creating conversation and a good relationship with your fans).
• Laurie's Big Bundle of Content Ideas... Find just the right fit for your emails to your fans. This multi-part section, chock full of simple ideas you can implement right away, will help you craft your own personal email strategy.
• Freedom from that panicked feeling that you get when you realize you've neglected your mailing list for months.
• a helping hand when you need it (see special coupons and monthly nudge service inside the course!)
3 qualities that will make your emails stand out from the crowd
Be Consistent
If your email arrives on the first of every month, or every Tuesday at 9AM, your fans can look forward to its arrival.
If you only reach out when the spirit moves you, who knows if they will even remember you?
Pick a do-able schedule and stick to it.
Be Focused
If you send an email to stay in touch on a regular schedule, each email can be short & sweet. There's no need to include months of news or link to every single thing going on in your world.
That's good news—it means each email won't take hours to write.
Be Engaging
Coming up with new news about yourself every month feels like a chore, doesn't it? The emails you send don't have to be all about YOU. In fact, they should not be ALL about you.
How can your email surprise, delight and engage your fans? What types of content are relevant to them?
The Good News
Your newsletters don't have to feel pushy and sales-y (or like a burden to produce). They don't have to be hard to write, or hard to read. You don't need a fancy, hard to use template.
In fact, you really have no business writing a newsletter at all.
You do need to send emails to people who have bought from you, or may buy from you. They signed up or told you they would love to hear from you. They are your true fans—your collectors and your potential buyers! Your job is to serve them well by staying in touch.

As a non-techie, I appreciate Laurie's clear, jargon-free explanations, her patience, and the fact that she really listens and "gets" who I am.
--Susan Finer, Raleigh NC (this is not a picture of Susan)
Wouldn't it be great if you could just set up a website and watch the money pour in?
Unfortunately, like almost everything else (including your art), marketing takes attention and work. There's no way around it.
But maybe you're still puzzled about how sending emails will further your goals. How can sharing a picture, a quote, or an article benefit you? Plus who has the time anyway?
Enroll in this short, easy-to-digest online course. Get some ideas about the right kinds of content to engage your audience and sell more art—without spending all your time at the computer...
BONUS: These ideas (along with the simple strategy behind them) will help you become clear on the best and coolest stuff to share with your fans. You'll even be able to apply these ideas to make your social media and blog posts more strategic.
And with lifetime access at only $20 (with the coupon code I'll send you), why not jumpstart your 2016 outreach today? Sign up to get notified when enrollment opens:
This course is for you if:
• you're frustrated by all the time and energy it takes to write and send a traditional 'newsletter' and disheartened when you can't measure any tangible results
• you want to simplify your outreach to your mailing list and increase its effectiveness
• you want to be able to apply these same ideas to make your social media efforts more strategic & connective
This course may NOT be for you if:
• you truly believe that people will choose to buy your art solely by looking at it
• you're looking for some kind of automatic solution so you can set it & forget it
• you aren't open to exploring how building a relationship with your fans and customers will help sell your art
Enrollment opening soon!
Frequently Asked Questions
Inside the course, you'll find a coupon to schedule an affordable consult with me. I'll send you a quick questionnaire to fill out, and then we'll talk on the phone to hash out a good plan for you and your unique needs. A month of email followup support is included.
About Me

I'm an artist, book designer, teacher, and self-taught tech & photo geek located in Asheville NC.
Do you need help navigating technology and strategy without overwhelm? This is where to start! I love finding the simple solutions among the endless, confusing possibilities for artists online.
I'm always poking around (online and offline) looking for the easiest ways for artists to connect with an audience of true fans...and build the connections and relationships necessary to sell more art.
I can't wait to connect with you!
PS the Artist Geek assistant penguins also want to meet you (they love new friends! and ice. They do love ice.)